I Wish Mo Would Come Pick Up His Shoes (Mo Update)

I haven’t heard from Mo since last Thursday and I’m not sure why. I know it hasn’t been that long but it seems like a long time since I was seeing him or he was calling me nearly every day for the past few weeks. I’m not stressing about it at this point (that doesn’t usually help anything) but I am starting to wonder where he’s been. I’m sure I’ll see him sometime this week and I’ll let you all know when I do.

Last Friday when I got home there was a box sitting outside my door. It’s from my friends at Runners Forum and is the first care package that’s been sent from someone who was moved by Mo’s story to the point of action. I know that inside of the box is a pair of size twelve shoes that would be a much needed upgrade to the worn out and janky shoes that Mo is wearing now. The box is still taped up and sitting in my kitchen and I’m not even thinking of opening it until Mo is right there with me. But to be honest, at this point I’m not sure when that’s going to be.

It’s crazy to think about but I’m not sure when I’ll see Mo, or if I’ll ever see him again. I’m praying that I see him soon but there’s no guarantee that’s going to happen. I guess that’s the risk we all take when we step outside of our comfort zones to do what we feel is right. It’s not safe, it can get really messy and our expectations might not be fulfilled the way we want them to be. Does it suck sometimes? Oh yeah it does. But that’s not going to stop me and I hope it doesn’t stop any of you either.

I just wish Mo would come pick up his shoes.


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